
Modelling of the nonlinear wave wave interaction problem;

by Prabhakar V

Institution: Anna University
Department: Modelling of the nonlinear wave wave interaction problem
Year: 2015
Keywords: nonlinear wave; science and humanities; wave interaction
Record ID: 1219742
Full text PDF: http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/35500


This thesis presents a detailed description of the Composite newlineGauss Legendre quadrature method adopted for solving the nonlinear newlineWave wave interaction problem or nonlinear source term of the wave model newlinedue to Hasselmann 1962 to serve as a basis for better understanding and newlinefurther research studies It can be considered as a research model and is newlinemainly aimed at providing a complete method using the properties of Dirac newlineDelta function and application of the quadrature method newline newline newline%%%Reference p.114-117