AbstractsBiology & Animal Science

The gospel of ecology in c s lewis;

by P V Annie gladys

Institution: Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Year: 2015
Keywords: clive staples; c s lewis; ecology; gospel
Record ID: 1217888
Full text PDF: http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/38415


clive staples lewis is recognised as an eminent british writer of the newlinetwentieth century he is a creative writer and his writings comprising the fairy newlinetales science fiction essays and letters are lasting assets to the realm of literature newlinethe present study the gospel of ecology in c s lewis examines the writer s newlinegood news proclaimed that man s healthy ecological relationship will result in the newlineholistic salvation of all life forms as well as prevent ecological disaster he unveils newlineman s harmonious and balanced relationship with his environment the newlinecharacters events myths and symbols shape human attitudes toward the newlineenvironment his creation of various enchanting worlds enables both children and newlineadults to understand the principle of the interconnectedness of man with the rest of newlinecreation which is essential for the survival of all creatures the works of lewis newlineextol respect for the natural world and encourage cultivating the habit of newlinehonouring their integrity and importance on their own terms nature has its own newlineintrinsic worth irrespective of its use for man s sustenance such an attitude instils newlinea sense of love and reverence towards nature newline newline%%%