AbstractsBiology & Animal Science

Synthesis and characterization of Nanostructured conducting Polyaniline and cu2o pani Nanocomposites;

by Gopalakrishnan K

Institution: Anna University
Department: Synthesis and characterization of Nanostructured conducting Polyaniline and cu2o pani Nanocomposites
Year: 2015
Keywords: Conducting polyaniline; Intrinsic conducting polymers
Record ID: 1216458
Full text PDF: http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/41947


Synthesis of Intrinsic conducting polymers ICPs is an newlineopportunity to improve the processability and conductivity of polymers The newlinepresent thesis entitled Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured newlineConducting polyaniline and Cu2O PANI nanocomposites is mainly focused newlineon the synthesis characterization and studies of conducting polyaniline and newlineits nanocomposites through inorganic nanoparticles with special reference to newlinetheir charge transport mechanisms and dielectric nature for device newlineapplications The nanostructured polyaniline consist of two phases: a newlineconducting phase and an insulating phase Different series of polyaniline as an newlineinsulating phase and a conducting phase were synthesized and characterized newlineIn addition with the advantage of enhanced conductivity of nanostructured newlineconducting polyaniline nanocomposites of intrinsic conducting polyaniline newlinewith inorganic green Cu2O NPs at different weight proportionate were newlineprepared and studied newline newline newline%%%reference p158-177.