AbstractsComputer Science

Improved question answering system Using semantic search and indexing;

by Kalaivani S

Institution: Anna University
Department: Improved question answering system Using semantic search and indexing
Year: 2015
Keywords: An ontology portable QUestion Answering system; Question Answering; Resource Description Framework
Record ID: 1210138
Full text PDF: http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/39138


A Question Answering QA system has a major role in web based newlinesearch to retrieve correct result in current environment The backbone of QA newlinesystem is the understanding of user s question which produces the expected newlineresult that should be satisfied by the user Natural Language Processing NLP newlineis used for understanding of user question So semantic search comes into a newlinerole for implementing the type of searching in real time Semantic search is newlineimplemented for retrieving the data from Knowledge Base KB using newlineontology Ontology is a technology used to enable the domain knowledge at a newlinehigh level and improve the query time Nowadays compared to current web newlinemodel semantic web produces the result with the meaning of data Semantic newlineweb is machine readable information and automated services It is based on newlinetext based manipulation but it uses machine based on metadata form This newlinetype of web needs a standard format for storing arbitrary data Resource newlineDescription Framework RDF is used to represent semantic web RDF is a newlinelanguage which is developed for annotation setting and it describes the newlineinformation resources and their relations among each other Ontology is used newlineto represent RDF form for implementing semantic web environment in QA newlinesystem newlineAn ontology portable QUestion Answering system AQUALOG newlineis a closed domain QA system based on ontology with semantic web newline%%%reference p167-171.