AbstractsBiology & Animal Science

Effect of temperature on thermodynamic and transport properties of homologous amino acids and 4amino butyric acid in aqueous solutions of metformin hydrochloride and salbutamol sulphate;

by Jayabalakrishnan S S

Institution: Anna University
Department: Effect of temperature on thermodynamic and transport properties of homologous amino acids and 4amino butyric acid in aqueous solutions of metformin hydrochloride and salbutamol sulphate
Year: 2015
Keywords: hydrochloride; science and humanities; thermodynamic and transport
Record ID: 1204395
Full text PDF: http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/38888


The information about the origin of the stability of macromolecules newlinelike proteins in aqueous solutions is important for understanding of their newlinestructure and function The stability of proteins is achieved through several newlinenoncovalent interactions such as hydrogen bonding electrostatic and newlinehydrophobic interactions As proteins are complex molecules the model newlinecompounds amino acids are considered by many authors in the newlinedetermination of thermodynamic parameters in aqueous media newline newline%%%Reference p.272-294