AbstractsGeography &GIS

Soil aquifer treatment and recharge through Decentralised treated wastewater using GIS Based multicriteria techniques;

by Deepa K

Institution: Anna University
Department: Soil aquifer treatment and recharge through Decentralised treated wastewater using GIS Based multicriteria techniques
Year: 2015
Keywords: Rapid population growth; urban and peri urban areas
Record ID: 1200591
Full text PDF: http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/41931


Water is a basic and essential source required for every human newlinebeing to carry out their daily activities Worldwide water plays a key role in newlinethe development of any country The availability of fresh water supply is newlinelimited while its demand increases day by day Rapid population growth, newlineurbanization industrialization and modern living standards in peri urban and newlineurban areas have led to increase of wastewater generation newlineThe impact of population growth results in migration of vast newlinenumber of people from villages to cities in search of job opportunities better newlinefacilities for health care etc On the other hand the cost of living in cities is newlinevery high Due to saturation of urban areas settlement occurs in peri urban newlineareas Thus such expansion results in urbanization The majority of urban newlinegrowth is associated with the rapid expansion of smaller urban centers and newlineperi urban developments which are situated about 10 Km to 25 Km from the newlinemetropolitan cities The impact of urbanisation results in inadequate newlinesanitation in urban and peri urban areas Peri urban areas are generally in a newlinestate of rapid transition The unplanned expansion of the peri urban and rural newlineareas lacks in provision of infrastructure However the majority of settlements newlinein peri urban areas particularly those inhabited by poor communities do not newlinehave access to adequate water supply and sanitation facilities newline newline%%%reference p178-190.