
Effective behavioral and relational Analysis for pivot actor tagging in Clandestine social network;

by Karthika S

Institution: Anna University
Department: Effective behavioral and relational Analysis for pivot actor tagging in Clandestine social network
Year: 2015
Keywords: Social Network Analysis; Terrorist networks
Record ID: 1199177
Full text PDF: http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/38915


Terrorism is considered to be a violent act which in the name of newlinereligion creates fear among the innocent people Terrorist networks are newlineamorphous invisible resilient dispersed in other words difficult to visualize newlinetheir real structure This community is seen as a social network with a lot of newlinesecrecy and influence Social Network Analysis has a wide spread range of newlineuses from semantic analysis to disrupting clandestine organizations newlineSocial Network Analysis primarily focuses on judging the newlineimportance or status of the actors in the social network The actors could be newlinecharacterized based on their capacity to either maximally influence the newlinenetwork called as pivot tellers or maximally fragment the network called as newlinepivot isolators The attribute of an actor depend on the interestingness the newlineknowledge set the actor posses and the various roles assigned to them The newlinenetwork analysis strongly believes that actors are dependent on one another newlinebased on the relationship they share among themselves But the strength of newlinerelationships between actors in social networks need not be always equal as it newlinevaries from strong familial like relationships to weak casual relationships newline newline%%%appendix p169-172, reference p173-181.