AbstractsComputer Science

Reliability analysis of Some communication networks Software and shared load models;

by Vasanthi T

Institution: Anna University
Department: Reliability analysis of Some communication Networks Software and shared load models
Year: 2015
Keywords: Linear ordered positions; Networks Software; Reliability modeling deals
Record ID: 1199058
Full text PDF: http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/32170


Reliability modeling deals with model building to obtain solutions newlineto problems in predicting estimating and optimizing the survival or newlineperformance of an unreliable system the impact of the unreliability and newlineactions to mitigate this impact The objective of this dissertation is to analyse newlinecertain reliability models It offers an interdisciplinary presentation on the newlineuses of probability theory and discusses practical applications of stochastic newlinemodels to diverse areas such as communication networks software modeling newlinereliability and operations research The analysis helps in finding the newlineperformance measures of the systems which in turn useful for implementing newlinestrategies to upgrade the systems The main objective of the thesis is to newlinepresent results with potential for solving real life problems Another newlineimportant objective is to present suitable methods for solving these problems newlineby analyzing the relevant data newlineSystem network design problems are becoming increasingly critical newlineand complex as telecommunication networks and others are expanded and newlineupgraded in response to consumer satisfaction The design and operation of a newlinenetwork with high reliability requirements are difficult yet they are essential newlinetasks One of the approaches often used to improve the reliability of a network newlinesystem is to allocate redundant components with similar functionality newlinebetween the nodes Chapter 2 deals with the analysis of a communication newlinenetwork model linear consecutively connected system A linear newlineconsecutively connected system consists of N 1 linear ordered positions newlineThe problem is to allocate M multi state elements repeaters in the work newlinestations in order to achieve a highly reliable system newline newline%%%reference p124-133.