
Remote patient monitoring system using wireless sensor networks;

by Pallikonda rajasekaran M

Institution: Anna University
Department: Remote patient monitoring system using wireless sensor networks
Year: 2015
Keywords: electrical engineering; monitoring system; wireless sensor networks
Record ID: 1194945
Full text PDF: http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/35507


In recent days some severe diseases and disorders need close and newlinecontinual monitoring in order to prevent further damage andor death The newlineurgent problem in society today is the increase of patients recovering from newlinesurgery the elderly population with a shortage of caregivers and ambulatory newlinepatients status The existing patientmonitoring systems are designed to be newlineused by highly trained operators with a number of hampering wires from the newlinesensors to the data acquisition system thus such instruments are hardly newlinesuitable for monitoring during the patients routine activities This problem newlinemust be solved in a way which is acceptable from a patients perspective and newlineat the same time increase the efficiency of the personnel working in newlinehealthcare centers during the patients routine activities newline newline%%%Reference p.221-239