
Studies in graphtheory degree equitable coloring and equitable domination in graphs;

by Anitha A

Institution: Anna University
Department: Studies in graphtheory degree equitable coloring and equitable domination in graphs
Year: 2015
Keywords: coloring and equitable; graphtheory; science and humanities
Record ID: 1191211
Full text PDF: http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/33697


By a graph G VE we mean a finite undirected graph newlinewith neither loops nor multiple edges The order and size of G are newlinedenoted by n and m respectively For graph theoretic terminology newlinewe refer to Chartrand and Lesniak 2004 newlineIn Chapter 1 we collect some basic definitions and theorems newlineon graphs which are needed for the subsequent chapters newlineIn Chapter 2 we introduce five graph theoretic parameters newlinewhich depend just on the fundamental concept of vertex degrees newline newline%%%Reference p.125-128