AbstractsEducation Research & Administration

A study of educational opportunities available to the slum areas childern of the Kashmir Valley;

by Muneer Ahmad Mir

Institution: University of Kashmir
Year: 2015
Keywords: Educational opportunities-Schooling facalities-Slum areas-Kashmir
Record ID: 1186302
Full text PDF: http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/33285


A slum is an inhabited uninhabitable habitation A slum is an area o f dilapidated houses which are in the act o f destruction Slums exist either in the zone in transition or around factories or in congested districts Poverty constitutes the main characteristic o f slum dwellers Multi family dwelling live in a single room Self sustenance and struggle for survival is the main feature of slum life Basic facilities like adequate air water lighting and proper sanitary facilities are wanting Slum areas are sub standard housing within a city The present study was necessary for a number of important newlinereasons As we know India as a democratic socialistic republic is wedded to the principle of equality o f opportunity in all fields including education Equal educational opportunity is considered to be the basic instrument to ensure opportunity of every other kind The country is committed to provide universal primary education to all children in the age group 6 to 14 and to protecting with special care the educational and other interests o f the weaker sections o f society The slum area children come from the most deprived and down trodden sections o f the population in urban areas%%%