
Mechanical testing and machining Parameter analysis of lm25 Aluminium hybrid metal matrix Composites reinforced with boron Carbide b4c and graphite c;

by Suresh V

Institution: Anna University
Department: Mechanical testing and machining Parameter analysis of lm25 Aluminium hybrid metal matrix Composites reinforced with boron Carbide b4c and graphite c
Year: 2015
Keywords: Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites; Boron carbide
Record ID: 1185480
Full text PDF: http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/34533


In recent years Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites newline AMMCs have emerged as a promising high class of materials newlineThe surface roughness and wear properties are the basic material newlineparameters required in the design and optimization of composite structures newlineand behaviours Metal matrix composites are emerging as very promising newlinematerials especially in the fields of aerospace electrical electronics and newlineautomotive for their various applications and technical demanding newlineproperties Boron carbide B4C is reinforced in the aluminium matrix newlinecomposites to increase the more conductivity and characterized for their newlinemechanical properties such as hardness and tensile strength LM25 newlinealuminium alloy metal matrix composites reinforced with Boron Carbide newline B4C particles up to 3 6 and 9 was produced by stir casting newlineIn this research, the following composites have been evaluated newlineand tested experimentally newline newline%%%reference p163-173.