AbstractsBiology & Animal Science

Adsorption of textile dye effluent Using activated carbon obtained From biomass;

by Senthilkumar T

Institution: Anna University
Department: Adsorption of textile dye effluent Using activated carbon obtained From biomass
Year: 2015
Keywords: Electron microscope; Pomegranate peel activated carbon; Sisal fiber activated carbon
Record ID: 1185021
Full text PDF: http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/34171


newlineIn the present study, activated carbons were prepared from sisal newlinefiber Agave sisalana sp and pomegranate peel Punica granatum sp using newlinephosphoric acid H3PO4 as the activating agent The proximate analysis of newlineadsorbents was studied by thermogravimetric analysis The effects of newlineactivation temperature activation time and impregnation ratio on the quality newlineof the activated carbon produced were studied The activation parameters newlinewere optimised yielding impregnation ratio 1 3 activation temperature newline500oC activation time 1hour for pomegranate peel impregnation ratio 1 3 8 newlineactivation temperature 400 C activation time 1 hour when the raw material newlinewas sisal fibre Both sisal fiber activated carbon SFAC and pomegranate newlinepeel activated carbon PPAC were characterized by finding out its yield newlineiodine number methylene blue number and surface area The surface newlinemorphology and functional groups of the raw materials and activated carbon newlinesamples were obtained using scanning electron microscope EDAX and newlineFourier transform infrared analysis newline newline%%%reference p262-279.