
Effect of co operative learning on critical thinking and problem solving ability in mathematics among higher secondary students;

by R P Deepa

Institution: Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Year: 2015
Keywords: co operative learning; critical thinking; education; higher secondary students; mathematics
Record ID: 1184687
Full text PDF: http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/40804


This chapter describes the theoretical conception of the study and it is newline newlinepresented in nine sections it begins with an overview the second section newline newlinedeals with education the third and the fourth sections discuss about newline newlineteaching and learning respectively the teaching of mathematics is briefly newline newlineexplained in the fifth section the sixth and the seventh sections present an newline newlineelaborate idea about the co operative learning and critical thinking the newline newlinesection eight throws light on the details of problem solving ability in newline newlinemathematics and the last section deals with the need and significance of the newline newlinestudy newline newline%%%