AbstractsLanguage, Literature & Linguistics

Transitivity in Eastern Mansi - An Information Structural Approach

by Susanna Virtanen

Institution: University of Helsinki
Department: Department of Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies, Suomalais-ugrilaiset kielet
Year: 2015
Keywords: suomalais-ugrilainen kielentutkimus
Record ID: 1145241
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10138/152802


The dissertation consists of four articles published in peer-reviewed linguistic journals and an introduction. The aim of the study is to provide a description of the formal means of expressing semantic transitivity in the Eastern dialects of the Mansi language (EM), as well as of the variation between the different means. The study is connected to Uralic studies and functional-linguistic typology. Mansi is a Uralic language spoken in Western Siberia. Unfortunately, its Eastern dialects died out some decades ago, but there are still approximately 2700 speakers of Northern Mansi. Because it is no longer possible to access any live data on EM, the study is based on written folkloric materials gathered by Artturi Kannisto about 100 years ago. From the typological point of view, Mansi is an agglutinative language with many inflectional and derivational suffixes. The study is based on information structural analysis, particularly the terminology and definitions proposed by Lambrecht (1994). The approach is based on three main pragmatic functions, primary topic, secondary topic and focus, and on how they correlate with syntactic functions and how their morphological markedness or unmarkedness is due to information structural factors. Further, the notion of topicality is connected to the concept of Differential Object Marking (DOM) and the observations of Iemmolo (2010/2011). According to the data of this study, DOM is based on topicality in EM. Finally, the analysis is expanded to include variation between the active voice and the passive voice and variation in three-participant constructions. The topic of the study can by divided into three different sub-topics: 1) marking of the DO, 2) variation in three-participant constructions and 3) variation between the active voice and the passive voice. The main result of the study is a complex description of how the whole system of expressing semantic transitivity in EM is based on the same principles. Among others, the results of the study also show some new aspects that differ from the recent studies: for example, possessive marked direct objects do not always trigger the objective verb conjugation. Väitöskirja koostuu neljästä vertaisarvioidusta kielitieteellisestä artikkelista ja johdanto-osasta. Tutkimus liittyy sekä uralilaisten kielten tutkimukseen että kielitypologiaan. Mansi on suomen etäinen sukukieli, jota puhutaan Länsi-Siperiassa Hantien ja mansien autonomisessa piirikunnassa. Kyseessä on erittäin uhanalainen kieli: tutkimuksen kohteena olevat itämurteet ovat jo kuolleet, mutta pohjoismurteilla on vielä n. 2700 puhujaa. Koska itämurteista ei ole enää uutta kielimateriaalia saatavilla, tutkimus on toteutettu Artturi Kanniston noin sata vuotta sitten keräämien aineistojen avulla. Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana on transitiivisuuden semanttinen määritelmä, jonka pohjalta luodaan kattava kuvaus transitiivisuuden ilmaisemisen keinoista ja niiden välisestä vaihtelusta mansin kielen itämurteissa. Tutkimus perustuu informaatiorakenteelliseen analyysiin, erityisesti…