AbstractsBiology & Animal Science

Dry Powder Layering of High Viscosity Polymers Using a Fluidized Bed Rotor Granulator

by Martti Ahtola

Institution: University of Helsinki
Year: 2015
Keywords: kuivajauhepäällystys; definitive screening; leijupetirakeistin; hydrofiilinen polymeeri; dry powder layering; dry powder coating; hydrophilic polymers; HPMC K4M; fluidized bed rotor granulator; Teollisuusfarmasia
Record ID: 1137399
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10138/153235


The goal of the thesis was to optimize a dry powder layering process that would produce a swelling polymer layer that could work as a base layer for another layer. The GPCG 1 (Glatt) fluidized bed granulator was equipped with a rotor. Such hydrophilic polymers were used for coating that would not be sensible timewise for wet coating methods because of long process time. For design of experiments Definitive Screening was chosen because it works in situations where time is limited and there is high number of parameters. There were six parameters, four related to the equipment settings and two related to the formulation, that were tested on three levels. The results were used to get optimized parameters using a model in MODDE software. The quality of the coating was analyzed by measuring the friability (strain test with fluidized bed granulator), particle size (dynamic image analyzer), density (helium pycnometer and mercurity porosimeter), erosion (size exclusion chromatography), loss on drying (halogen moisture analyzer) and coating efficiency (weighing and loss on drying). Coating was also analyzed also with scanning electron microscopy. The process was robust with regards to sphericity of the coated pellets. In SEM pictures none of the coatings showed complete film formation. Friability method did not show significant differences between batches. Coating efficiency was high for all batches. Correlations between product characteristics were analyzed and some correlations were observed between including correlations between LOD/CE and densities. No correlation between the densities measured with two different methods were seen. Some of the settings in the DOE were too extreme and produced batches that were very difficult to analyze. Two more batches were produced with adjusted settings. This affected somewhat the ability to develop a reliable model. Model development were also affected by insufficient results from erosion tests and because coating efficiency results with water was used. Some stability problems were noticed during design of experiments and chosen equipment limited the scale of settings. Coating material adhered to the surface of the pellets and process could be adjusted by changing the parameters of the DOE. Some correlations were noticed between formulation, equipment settings and coating properties. Pro gradun tavoitteena oli optimoida kuivajauhepäällystysmenetelmä, joka päällystää pelletin turpoavalla polymeerikerroksella, joka voisi toimia pohjakerroksena toiselle päällystyskerrokselle. GPCG 1 (Glatt) leijupetirakeistin oli varustettu roottorilla. Päällystysmateriaalina käytettiin sellaisia hydrofiilisilla polymeereja, joita ei olisi ajallisesti järkevä käyttää perinteisellä menetelmällä alhaisen konsentraation ja siten pitkän prosessiajan takia. Koeasetelmassa käytettiin hypromelloosilaatua HPMC K4M. Koeasetelmaksi valittiin Definitive Screening, joka soveltuu tilanteisiin, joissa aikaa on vähän ja tutkittavia parametrejä on paljon. Kolmella tasolla tutkittavia parametreja oli kuusi, neljä…