AbstractsLaw & Legal Studies

Fragment of a 4th Century Fresco from the Roman Palace of Szabadbattyán : Conservation and Examination

by Tuuli Kasso

Institution: Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu
Year: 2014
Record ID: 1130937
Full text PDF: http://www.theseus.fi/handle/10024/75033


The topic of the Final Thesis was the conservation and examination of a fresco fragment, which was excavated from Szabadbattyán, Hungary from a 4th century Roman palace. Taking multiple decades to build, this enormous 13.000 m2 palace was the fourth largest private palace not only in Pannonia, the Roman province, but also in all Europe at the time. After the complete destruction of the palace in 374 by the Sarmatians, it remained hidden until the archaeological excavations began in the 1990’s. With abundant discoveries, and new items constantly discovered, the conservation of the findings is an evergoing process. As a part of this process, a fragment was selected for this thesis to study and conserve. The goal of the conservation process was to bring the fragment from its state when excavated to a condition in which the fragment could be displayed and preserved. The conservation approved the fragile condition successfully of the fragment and enabled its display, but also it was assured that the chance of future treatments still remained possible. In addition, the materials of the fresco fragment were analysed using various analytical research methods: i.e. polarization microscopy, cross sections, wet chemistry, and FTIR. The material examinations provided important knowledge about the ancient techniques, which were found typical to the relevant period in this case. Furthermore, some salt formations on the fresco and found samples from archaeological carbonated wood were studied. As a result it was possible to understand the wholeness of the fresco fragment and its history and need for preservation in the future. The thesis was conducted in cooperation between the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and the Hungarian University of Fine Arts Conservation Department in Budapest, Hungary. Through an exchange and a special opportunity with the permission of Szent István Király Múzeum in Székesfehérvár, it was possible to study and conserve this 4th century Roman fresco fragment.; Opinnäytetyön aiheena oli Unkarissa, Szabadbattyánissa sijaitsevan 300-luvulle ajoitetusta roomalaisesta palatsista löytyneen freskofragmentin konservointi ja tutkimus. Palatsin rakentaminen kesti useita vuosikymmeniä, ja lopulta tämä valtava, 13 000 m2 palatsi oli aikansa neljänneksi suurin yksityispalatsi Rooman provinssissa Pannoniassa ja myös koko Euroopassa. Vuonna 374 sarmatialaisten hyökkäyksen ja totaalisen tuhoutumisen jälkeen palatsi pysyi kätkettynä, kunnes laajat arkeologiset kaivaukset alkoivat 1990-luvulla. Runsaiden ja jatkuvasti uusien löytöjensä johdosta Szabadbattyánin roomalaisen palatsin löytöjen konservointi on jatkuva prosessi. Osana tätä prosessia yksi fragmentti valittiin konservointia ja tutkimusta varten tämän opinnäytetyön aiheeksi. Konservoinnin tavoitteena oli pystyä tuomaan fragmentti tilasta, jossa se on löydetty kuntoon, jossa se voidaan säilyttää sekä laittaa esille. Konservointi vahvisti fragmentin haurasta kuntoa onnistuneesti sekä mahdollisti sen asettamisen näytteille. Konservointi toteutettiin…