AbstractsBusiness Management & Administration

Purchasing Process Redesign: a Case Study of Company X

by Beata Baumann

Institution: Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu
Year: 2014
Record ID: 1130107
Full text PDF: http://www.theseus.fi/handle/10024/79848


The subject of this thesis is purchasing process redesign. The need was initiated by the case company, Company X, because of a change from the locally used purchasing tool to the Supplier Relationship Management tool. The purpose of the research was to create a comprehensive process map covering the whole operational purchasing process, the roles and responsibilities and the attached sub-processes and activities at Company X, and with the help of the prepared documentation to create temporary solutions to ensure the smooth continuity of the purchasing process. The theoretical framework of the study is based on three main topics: procurement, processes and workshops. The section on procurement contains information on aspects of procurement, levels and e-procurement tools and provides a good overview of the topic for the reader. The section on processes covers the process –related definitions and reviews different methods of process development. The section on workshops examines the theory of how workshops should be organized and facilitated, and how development requirements can be identified with the help of users. The data was collected and analyzed using qualitative methods through the workshops by the Project Improvement Team. The workshops were used for gathering the requirements, and mapping and analyzing the processes with the help of the theoretical knowledge about processes. In conclusion, after the data and requirement collection, and the analysis were done, procurement was found to offer temporary and long term solutions that were developed together with the parties involved. The process was redesigned accordingly to serve the needs of the users. Several manual activities were added to cover all the gaps caused by the new purchasing tool. In addition to the general tool and process change, two focus points were highlighted: technical approval and the subcontracting purchasing process. All the interim solutions offered were approved and implemented and are currently part of Company X’s purchasing process in Finland.; Opinnäytetyön aiheena on ostoprosessin uudelleensuunnittelu. Tarve nousi Yritys X:n, eli koh-deyrityksen pyynnöstä paikallisesti käytetyn ostotyökalun muutoksen vuoksi. Uusi työkalu on Supplier Relationship Management. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli luoda kokonaisvaltainen prosessikartta, joka kattaa Yritys X:n koko operatiivisen ostoprosessin, roolit ja vastuut sekä osaprosessit. Saatujen dokumenttien avulla voidaan luoda väliaikaiset ratkaisut, joilla varmistetaan hankintaprosessin sujuva jatkuvuus. Teoreettinen viitekehys rakennettiin kolmesta pääteemasta: hankinta, prosessit ja työpajat. Luku hankinnoista sisältää tietoja hankintoihin liittyvistä näkökulmista, tasoista ja hankinnan sähköisistä työkaluista ja se antaa aiheesta hyvän tietopohjan lukijalle. Luku prosesseista kattaa prosessiin liittyvät määritelmät ja siinä käydään läpi erilaisia tapoja prosessien kehittämiseen. Luku työpajoista kertoo siitä, miten työpajoja pitäisi järjestää ja toteuttaa ja miten kehitystarpeet voidaan…