AbstractsPolitical Science

The EU as a Foreign Policy Actor - The EU's Responce towards Russia in relation to the Conflict in Ukraine

by Ruth Boey

Institution: Roskilde University
Year: 2015
Keywords: EU; Ukraine; CFSP; Sanctions; Neoclassical Realism; Rosamond
Record ID: 1121882
Full text PDF: http://rudar.ruc.dk/handle/1800/19368


The aim of this report is to analyse the response of the European Union towards Russia in relation to the conflict in Ukraine. In order to do so, we introduce the events of the conflict, the policy area of the CFSP, and the EU institutions involved in foreign policy making. To determine how the member states influence the EU’s response, three specific member states - the UK, Germany, and Poland - are analysed in terms of their interests, policy preferences, and relations towards Russia in the conflict in Ukraine. Next, we examine the EU by looking at how its aims correspond with the response to the conflict. Lastly, we discuss how the different aspects of the interplay appear in the actual response. We find that the initial response was mainly diplomatic. This is due to the EU’s aim of reaching a peaceful solution, maintaining a constructive relationship with Russia, the limitation of mutual costs, and the avoidance of direct confrontation. As the conflict evolved, the demand for more assertive sanctions increased and eventually led to the adoption of restrictive measures. Furthermore, the EU increasingly felt the need to take a tougher stance towards Russia in the conflict to state its relevance as an actor in the international system.