AbstractsPolitical Science

European Foreign and Security Policy

by Bo Jeppesen

Institution: Roskilde University
Year: 2014
Keywords: CFSP; EU; Afghanistan; Somalia
Record ID: 1119946
Full text PDF: http://rudar.ruc.dk/handle/1800/15976


Abstract In this project EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) is examined. The project looks at the EU police mission in Afghanistan (EU POL). It then compare it to EU missions in Somalia (ATALANTA and EUTM). Its purpose is to investigate the changes in the way EU conducts its missions and why EU involve itself in the conflicts. In order to analyze how EU act in the two cases, the theories strategic studies and human security have been used. The two cases have been analysed and compared to find the changes in EU’s policy. There is a change from case to case, but that change could be caused by the differences in the cases and not because EU has changed policy. Furthermore we have compared the findings with EU’s self perception as a security actor who work for democracy, rule of law and human rights. In this aspect we found that EU have made a change in the way it conduct its missions, but that this is still within the principles of EU’s foreign policy.