

Current theoretical accounts investigating the etiology of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) rely on cognitive or motivational deficits, neuronal impairments, and genetic predispositions. Relying on the endophenotype concept, this thesis provides a theoretical framework to integrate these lines of research. The framework moves beyond a mere endophenotype approach as both direct effects of cognitive and motivational functions on ADHD symptoms and indirect effects of cognitive or motivational functions on ADHD symptoms through higher-order psychological functions are considered. Both, sustained attention and behavioral inhibition, are related to risky decision-making and risky decision- making in turn is associated with impulsivity and ADHD symptoms. Hence, this thesis addresses the question whether indirect effects through risky decision-making can account for relations between sustained attention, behavioral inhibition, and ADHD symptoms. Method. Ninety-five children (71 males; 40 children with a diagnosed ADHD) aged between 7;4 and 13;8 years met inclusion criteria for the current study. Children worked on three computerized cognitive tasks measuring sustained attention and behavioral inhibition as well as three behavioral tasks measuring risky decision-making. Results. A sustained attention composite score significantly predicted ADHD symptoms, F(1, 67) = 20.10, p < .001, ηp2 = .231. The effect was partially mediated by risky decision-making, b = 0.19, 90% CI: [0.01, 0.41], and an additional indirect of behavioral inhibition on ADHD symptoms through risky decision-making was observed, b = 8.57, 99% CI: [1.38, 21.20]. Children who had difficulties in sustained attention or behavioral inhibition made a higher number of risky decisions and in turn had more or stringer ADHD symptoms. Conclusion. Theoretical accounts investigating the etiology of ADHD should consider sustained attention as a core deficit of ADHD and incorporate indirect effects through higher-order psychological functions.; Aktuelle Theorien, welche die Ätiologie der Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) erklären, fokussieren auf kognitive und motivationale Defizite, neuronale Veränderungen oder genetische Prädispositionen. Diese unterschiedlichen Erklärungsmodelle werden in dieser Arbeit in ein Rahmenkonzept integriert. Das Rahmenkonzept basiert auf traditionellen Endophenotypenansätzen und erweitert diese, indem nicht nur direkte Effekte von kognitiven und motivationalen Funktionen auf ADHS Symptome berücksichtigt werden, sondern auch indirekte Effekte von kognitiven und motivationalen Funktionen über höhere psychologische Funktionen. Sowohl andauernde Aufmerksamkeit als auch Verhaltensinhibition sagen riskantes Entscheidungsverhalten vorher und riskantes Entscheidungsverhalten wiederum hängt mit Impulsivität und ADHS Symptomen zusammen. Daher wird in dieser Arbeit untersucht, inwiefern indirekte Effekte über riskantes Entscheidungsverhalten direkte Zusammenhänge zwischen andauernder Aufmerksamkeit, Verhaltensinhibition…