
The role of regional government in poverty reduction in East Kalimantan, Indonesia

by Muhammad Ali

Institution: Victoria University
Department: School of Social Science and Psychology
Year: 2013
Keywords: 1402 Applied Economics; 1606 Political Science; School of Social Sciences and Psychology
Record ID: 1066182
Full text PDF: http://vuir.vu.edu.au/24445/


East Kalimantan is a province of paradox. It has considerable economic potential, measured in terms of abundant endowments of natural resources. And yet it lacks infrastructure and has poor human resources, factors which condemn much of the population to live in poverty. Regional autonomy, implemented since 2001, has provided more political power and fiscal capacity to the region, and therefore it has been expected to give more opportunity for regional governments to accelerate regional development and bring their people to greater prosperity. However, East Kalimantan still harbors high levels of poverty. This study examines the extent to which regional governments use their authority, greatly expanded under regional autonomy laws, to address poverty issues in the province.